How to adjust regression-based trading signals for reliability

Jupyter Notebook

Regression-based statistical learning is convenient for combining candidate trading factors into single signals (view post here). Models and signals are updated sequentially using expanding time windows of empirical evidence and offering a realistic basis for backtesting. However, simple regression-based predictions disregard statistical reliability, which tends to increase as time passes or decrease after structural breaks. This short methodological post proposes signals based on regression coefficients adjusted for statistical precision. The adjustment correctly aligns intertemporal risk-taking with the predictive power of signals. PnLs become less seasonal and outperform as sample size and statistical quality grow.


How “beta learning” improves macro trading strategies

Jupyter Notebook

Macro beta is the sensitivity of a financial contract’s return to a broad economic or market factor. Macro betas broaden the traditional concept of equity market betas and can often be estimated using financial contract baskets. Macro sensitivities are endemic in trading strategies, diluting alpha, undermining portfolio diversification, and distorting backtests. However, it is possible to immunize strategies through “beta learning,” a statistical learning method that supports identifying appropriate models and hyperparameters and allows backtesting of hedged strategies without look-ahead bias. The process can be easily implemented with existing Python classes and methods. This post illustrates the powerful beneficial impact of macro beta estimation and its application on an emerging market FX carry strategy.


Evaluating macro trading signals in three simple steps

Jupyter Notebook

Meaningful evaluation of macro trading signals must consider their seasonality and diversity across countries. This post proposes a three-step process to this end. The first step runs significance tests of proposed predictive relations using a panel of markets. The second step reviews the reliability of predictive relations based on accuracy and different correlation metrics across time and markets. The third step estimates the economic value of the signal based on performance metrics of a standardized naïve PnL. All these steps can be implemented with special Python classes of the Macrosynergy package. Conscientious evaluation of macro signals not only benefits their selection for live trading. It also paints a realistic picture of the PnL profile, which is critical for setting risk limits and for broader portfolio integration.


FX trading signals with regression-based learning

Jupyter Notebook

Regression-based statistical learning helps build trading signals from multiple candidate constituents. The method optimizes models and hyperparameters sequentially and produces point-in-time signals for backtesting and live trading. This post applies regression-based learning to macro trading factors for developed market FX trading, using a novel cross-validation method for expanding panel data. Sequentially optimized models consider nine theoretically valid macro trend indicators to predict FX forward returns. The learning process has delivered significant predictors of returns and consistent positive PnL generation for over 20 years. The most important macro-FX signals, in the long run, have been relative labor market trends, manufacturing business sentiment changes, relative inflation expectations, and terms of trade dynamics.


Macroeconomic data and systematic trading strategies

While economic information undeniably wields a significant and widespread influence on financial markets, the systematic incorporation of macroeconomic data into trading strategies has thus far been limited. This reflects skepticism towards economic theory and serious data problems, such as revisions, distortions, calendar effects, and, generally, the lack of point-in-time formats. However, the emergence of industry-wide quantamental indicators and the rise of statistical learning methods in financial markets make macroeconomic information more practical and powerful. Successful demonstrations of statistical learning and macro-quantamental indicators have been achieved, with various machine learning techniques poised to further improve the utilization of economic information.


Regression-based macro trading signals

Jupyter Notebook

Regression is one method for combining macro indicators into a single trading signal. Specifically, statistical learning based on regression can optimize model parameters and hyperparameters sequentially and produce signals based on whatever model has predicted returns best up to a point in time. This method learns from growing datasets and produces valid point-in-time signals for backtesting. However, whether regression delivers good signals depends on managing the bias-variance trade-off of machine learning. This post provides guidance on pre-selecting the right regression models and hyperparameter grids based on theory and empirical evidence. It considers the advantages and disadvantages of various regression methods, including non-negative least squares, elastic net, weighted least squares, least absolute deviations, and nearest neighbors.


Optimizing macro trading signals – A practical introduction

Jupyter Notebook

Based on theory and empirical evidence, point-in-time indicators of macroeconomic trends and states are strong candidates for trading signals. A key challenge is to select and condense them into a single signal. The simplest (and often successful) approach is conceptual risk parity, i.e., an equally weighted average of normalized scores. However, there is scope for optimization. Statistical learning offers methods for sequentially choosing the best model class and other hyperparameters for signal generation, thus supporting realistic backtests and automated operation of strategies.
This post and an attached Jupyter Notebook show implementations of sequential signal optimization with the scikit-learn package and some specialized extensions. In particular, the post applies statistical learning to sequential optimization of three important tasks: feature selection, return prediction, and market regime classification.


Nowcasting macro trends with machine learning

Nowcasting economic trends can make use of a broad range of machine learning methods. This not only serves the purpose of optimization but also allows replication of past information states of the market and supports realistic backtesting. A practical framework for modern nowcasting is the three-step approach of (1) variable pre-selection, (2) orthogonalized factor formation, and (3) regression-based prediction. Various methods can be applied at each step, in accordance with the nature of the task. For example, pre-selection can be based on sure independence screening, t-stat-based selection, least-angle regression, or Bayesian moving averaging. Predictive models include many non-linear models, such as Markov switching models, quantile regression, random forests, gradient boosting, macroeconomic random forests, and linear gradient boosting. There is some evidence that linear regression-based methods outperform random forests in the field of macroeconomics.


Pure macro FX strategies: the benefits of double diversification

Jupyter Notebook

Pure macro(economic) strategies are trading rules that are informed by macroeconomic indicators alone. They are rarer and require greater analytical resources than standard price-based strategies. However, they are also more suitable for pure alpha generation. This post investigates a pure macro strategy for FX forward trading across developed and emerging countries based on an “external strength score” considering economic growth, external balances, and terms-of-trade.

Rather than optimizing, we build trading signals based on the principles of “risk parity” and “double diversification.” Risk parity means that allocation is adjusted for the volatility of signals and returns. Double diversification means risk is spread over different currency areas and conceptual macro factors. Risk parity across currency signals diminishes vulnerability to idiosyncratic country risk. Risk parity across macroeconomic concepts mitigates the effects of the seasonality of macro influences. Based on these principles, the simplest pure macro FX strategy would have produced a long-term Sharpe ratio of around 0.8 before transaction costs with no correlation to equity, fixed income, and FX benchmarks.


Finding (latent) trading factors

Financial markets are looking at a growing and broadening range of correlated time series for the operation of trading strategies. This increases the importance of latent factor models, i.e., methods that condense high-dimensional datasets into a low-dimensional group of factors that retain most of their underlying relevant information. There are two principal approaches to finding such factors. The first uses domain knowledge to pick factor proxies up front. The second treats all factors as latent and applies statistical methods, such as principal components, to a comprehensive set of correlated variables. A new paper proposes to combine domain knowledge and statistical methods using penalized reduced-rank regression. The approach promises improved accuracy and robustness.
