How regulatory reform shapes the financial cycle

Ambitious regulatory reform has changed the dynamics of the global financial system. Capital ratios of banks have increased significantly, reining in bank credit. Counter-cyclical bank capital rules slow credit expansions by design and yield greater influence to non-banks. Meanwhile, the liquidity coverage ratio has restricted one of the key functions of banks: liquidity transformation. Regulation has also created its own moral hazards. In particular, the preferential treatment of government bonds has boosted their share in bank assets. The neglect of sovereign risk in liquidity regulation constitutes a significant systemic risk as public debt-to-GDP ratios are at or near record highs in many key economies.


How bank regulatory reform has changed macro trading

The great regulatory reform in global banking has altered the backdrop for macro trading. First, greater complexity and policymaker discretion means that investment managers must pay more attention to regulatory policies, not unlike the way they follow monetary policies. Second, changes in capital standards interfere with the effects of monetary conditions and probably held back their full impact on credit conditions in past years. Third, elevated capital ratios and loss-absorption capacity will plausibly contain classical banking crises in the future and, by themselves, reduce the depth of recessions. Fourth, regulatory tightening seems to have reduced market liquidity and may increase the depth of market price downturns.


Volcker Rule and liquidity risk

The Volcker Rule has banned proprietary trading of banks with access to official backstops. Also, market making has become more onerous as restrictions and ambiguities of the rule make it harder for dealers to manage inventory and to absorb large volumes of client orders in times of distress. This increases liquidity risk, particularly in market segments with longer turnover periods, such as corporate bonds. A new empirical paper confirms that the Volcker Rule has indeed reduced corporate bond liquidity and aggravated the price impact of distress events, such as significant rating downgrades.


The macroeconomic impact of Basel III

The regulatory capital reform for banks increases capital costs and credit spreads charged on clients. However, it also clearly reduces the tail risk of future banking system crises. And these crises have historically subtracted on average about 100% of an annual GDP overtime. Hence, a BIS paper finds that long-term growth benefits outweigh costs. One implication may be that once capital adjustment is complete and higher capital ratios are firmly established regulation headwinds for equity and credit markets turn into tailwinds.


The threat from China’s shadow finance

In past years China witnessed a boom in shadow finance, particularly in form of entrusted loans. Banks apparently used shadow credit products in large size to circumvent policy restrictions and bank loan regulations. Regulatory tightening has reined in the proliferation of shadow finance since 2014, but outstanding contracts pose serious systemic risk due to the combination of high default risk and dependence on fragile wholesale funding.


Why the covered interest parity is breaking down

Deviations in the covered interest parity have become a regular phenomenon even in developed markets. Persistent gaps between on-shore and FX-implied interest rate differentials (“cross-currency basis”) can be explained by the combination of increased cost of financial intermediation in the wake of regulatory reform and global imbalances in investment demand and funding supply. They can offer information value and arbitrage opportunities for investors.


Insurance companies and systemic risk

The contribution of life insurers to systemic risk has increased, according to the IMF Global Financial Stability Report. They now hold about 12% of global assets and common exposure to aggregate risk has risen. Insurers are vital for key market segments such as corporate bonds and securities lending. Meanwhile, low global interest rates have aggravated duration gaps, increased interest rate sensitivity and may encourage greater risk taking.


Pension funds and herding

Pension funds have three types of motivations for herding: rebalancing rules, the effects of regulatory changes and peer pressure of senior executives. A new empirical study detects all of these in the trading flows of the large Dutch pension funds. These flows offer opportunities for contrarian traders that provide liquidity to the “herd”.


Central clearing and systemic risk

The expansion of central clearing has created a greater interconnectedness of financial markets and new systemic risks. Large losses of some of clearing members might exhaust central counterparties’ liquid assets and backup lines, triggering unfunded liquidity arrangements and strains on the remaining clearing members. Moreover, collateral requirements of central counterparties could surge in crises.


The growing concerns over market liquidity

Market liquidity accommodates securities transactions in size and at low cost. When it fails the information value of market quotes is compromised, potentially triggering feedback loops, margin calls and fire sales. With shrinking market making capacity at banks, the fragility of liquidity in both developed and emerging markets has probably increased. The rise of larger and more pro-cyclical buy-side institutions seems to enhance this vulnerability.
