Statistical learning for sectoral equity allocation
Jupyter Notebook of factor calculation Jupyter Notebook of statistical learning
There is sound reason and evidence for the predictive power of macro indicators for relative sectoral equity returns. However, the relations between economic information and equity sector performance can be complex. Considering the broad range of available point-in-time macro-categories that are now available, statistical learning has become a compelling method for discovering macro predictors and supporting prudent and realistic backtests of related strategies. This post shows a simple five-step method to use statistical learning to select and combine macro predictors from a broad set of categories for the 11 major equity sectors in 12 developed countries. The learning process produces signals based on changing models and factors per the statistical evidence. These signals have been positive predictors for relative returns of all sectors versus a broad basket. Combined into a single strategy, these signals create material and uncorrelated investor value through sectoral allocation alone.