Cross-country equity risk allocation with statistical learning

Jupyter Notebook

Macroeconomic factors plausibly cause divergences in equity market returns across countries. Factors related to monetary policy, financial conditions, and competitiveness should all systematically help detect such divergences. In the presence of rational inattention, point-in-time indicators should also have predictive power.
We apply statistical learning to investigate the signalling value of nine candidate macro factors for cross-country excess returns within major equity sectors for a set of 12 countries. Most factors turn out to be relevant predictors. Cross-country trading signals based on point-in-time macro factors and models would have added material uncorrelated PnL value to an equity portfolio.


Conditional short-term trend signals

Jupyter Notebook

There are plausible relations between past and future short-term trends across and within financial markets. This is because market returns affect expected physical payoffs, risk premia, and the monetary policy outlook. However, the relations between past and future returns are unstable and often depend on the economic environment. As an example, this post shows that the impact of short-term commodity future trends on subsequent S&P500 future returns depends on the inflationary pressure in the U.S. economy. Empirical analysis suggests that macro-conditional trend signals outperform unconditional short-term trend signals regarding predictive power, accuracy and naïve PnL generations.


FX trading signals: Common sense and machine learning

Jupyter Notebook

Two valid methods to combine macro trading factors into a single signal are “conceptual parity” and machine learning. Conceptual parity takes a set of conceptually separate normalized factors and gives them equal weights. Machine learning optimizes models and derives weights sequentially, potentially with theoretical restrictions. Both methods support realistic backtests. Conceptual parity works best in the presence of strong theoretical priors. Machine learning works best with large homogenous data sets.
We apply conceptual parity, and two machine learning methods to combine 11 macro-quantamental trading factors for developed and emerging market FX forwards in 16 currencies since 2000. The signals derived by all methods have been highly significant predictors and produced material and uncorrelated risk-adjusted trading returns. Machine learning methods have failed to outperform conceptual parity, probably reflecting that theoretical priors in the FX space are abundant while data are limited and heterogeneous.


U.S. Treasuries and macro-enhanced trend following

Jupyter Notebook

Trend-following strategies rely on the persistence of market trends. Such persistence can arise from the gradual dissemination of information or behavioural biases. In light of these inefficiencies, trends that coincide with supporting economic information (macro tailwinds) are more likely to persist than those accompanied by opposing macro information (macro headwinds). As a result, a macro-enhancement of standard trend-following signals should produce better investment returns.
This post supports this proposition for the U.S. Treasury market over the past 32 years. It tests simple macro enhancement types for directional return trends and curve-flattening return trends. In all cases, macro enhancement would have materially improved predictive power and backtested trading profits. This echoes previous research for other asset classes that illustrated the complementarity of price and economic information in systematic trading.


Using principal components to construct macro trading signals

Jupyter Notebook

Principal Components Analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction technique that condenses the key information from a large dataset into a smaller set of uncorrelated variables called “principal components.” This smaller set often functions better as features for predictive regressions, stabilizing coefficient estimates and reducing the influence of noise. In this way, principal components can improve statistical learning methods that optimize trading signals.

This post shows how principal components can serve as building blocks of trading signals for developed market interest rate swap positions, condensing the information of macro-quantamental indicators on inflation pressure, activity growth, and credit and money expansion. Compared to a simple combination of these categories, PCA-based statistical learning methods have produced materially higher predictive accuracy and backtested trading profits. PCA methods have also outperformed non-PCA-based regression learning. PCA-based statistical learning in backtesting leaves little scope for data mining or hindsight, and the discovery of trading value has high credibility.


Macro information changes as systematic trading signals

Jupyter Notebook

Macro information state changes are point-in-time updates of recorded economic developments. They can refer to a specific indicator or a broad development, such as growth or inflation. The broader the economic concept, the higher the frequency of changes. Information state changes are valuable trading indicators. They provide daily or weekly signals and naturally thrive in periods of underestimated escalatory economic change, adding a layer of tail risk protection.
This post illustrates the application of information state changes to interest rate swap trading across developed and emerging markets, focusing on six broad macro developments: economic growth, sentiment, labour markets, inflation, and financing conditions. For trading, we introduce the concept of normalized information state changes that are comparable across economic groups and countries and, hence, can be aggregated to local and global signals. The predictive power of aggregate information state changes has been strong, with material and consistent PnL generation over the past 25 years.


Cross-country equity futures strategies

Jupyter Notebook

Developing macro strategies for cross-country equity futures trading is challenging due to the diverse and dynamic nature of equity indices and the global integration of corporations. This complexity makes it difficult to align futures prices with country-specific economic factors. Therefore, success in cross-country macro trading often relies on differentiating indicators related to monetary policy and corporate earnings growth in local currency. Additionally, cross-country strategies benefit from a broad and diverse set of countries to generate value consistently.
We tested five simple, thematic, and potentially differentiating macro scores across a panel of 16 developed and emerging markets. Our findings suggest that a straightforward, non-optimized composite score could have added significant value beyond a risk-parity exposure to global equity index futures. Furthermore, a purely relative value equity index futures strategy would have produced respectable long-term returns, complementing passive equity exposure.


Macro-quantamental scorecards: A Python kit for fixed-income markets

Jupyter Notebook

Macro-quantamental scorecards are condensed visualizations of point-in-time economic information for a specific financial market. Their defining characteristic is the combination of efficient presentation and evidence of empirical power. This post and the accompanying Python code show how to build scorecards for duration exposure based on six thematic scores: excess inflation, excess economic growth, overconfidence, labour market tightening, financial conditions, and government finance. All thematic scores have displayed predictive power for interest rate swap returns in the U.S. and the euro area over the past 25 years. Since economic change is often gradual and requires attention to a broad range of indicators, monitoring can be tedious and costly. The influence of such change can, therefore, build surreptitiously. Macro-quantamental scorecards cut information costs and attention time and, hence, improve the information efficiency of the investment process.


How to adjust regression-based trading signals for reliability

Jupyter Notebook

Regression-based statistical learning is convenient for combining candidate trading factors into single signals (view post here). Models and signals are updated sequentially using expanding time windows of empirical evidence and offering a realistic basis for backtesting. However, simple regression-based predictions disregard statistical reliability, which tends to increase as time passes or decrease after structural breaks. This short methodological post proposes signals based on regression coefficients adjusted for statistical precision. The adjustment correctly aligns intertemporal risk-taking with the predictive power of signals. PnLs become less seasonal and outperform as sample size and statistical quality grow.


Inventory scores and metal futures returns

Jupyter Notebook

Inventory scores are quantamental (point-in-time) indicators of the inventory states and dynamics of economies or commodity sectors. Inventory scores plausibly predict base metal futures returns due to two effects. First, they influence the convenience yield of a metal and the discount at which futures are trading relative to physical stock. Second, they predict demand changes for restocking by producers and industrial consumers. Inventory scores are available for finished manufacturing goods and base metals themselves. An empirical analysis for 2000-2024 shows the strong predictive power of finished goods inventory scores and some modest additional predictive power of commodity-specific inventory scores.
